University of Amsterdam
In the News
I regularly communicate my research to the general public and have extensive experience in working with the media to comment on topics related to coral reefs and climate change. I have given several TV and radio interviews, and my research has been featured in numerous media stories. Please see below for recent media stories or scroll down to see a list of all media coverage.
Science Media Center Germany: Große Korallenbleichen in vielen Regionen weltweit erwartet [Severe coral bleaching expected in many regions globally]
July 18, 2023
Rapid reaction: Das SMC hat Forschende aus der Meeresökologie befragt, wie sie die aktuelle Bedrohung der Korallen im Golf von Mexiko und in anderen Ozeanregionen einschätzen, wie sich Riffe vor Hitzestress schützen lassen und wie vielversprechend die Aufforstung von Riffen ist. [The SMC asked marine ecologists how they assess the current threat to corals in the Gulf of Mexico and other ocean regions, how reefs can be protected from heat stress and how promising restoration is.]
Nautilus | Oceans: To Protect Coral Reefs, Protect Fishes and Birds
August 21, 2020
"Among the coral reefs of the Chagos Archipelago, schools of damselfish and wrasse dart between redlip parrotfish, angelfish, and blotched stingrays. The fishes’ bodies electrify the tropical waters with displays as colorful as the neon paint strewn across British and Australian tourists at their first full moon party in Bali, nearly 3,000 miles east as the manta swims."
Inside Climate News: Latest bleaching of Great Barrier Reef underscores global coral crisis
April 13, 2020
"Coral reef bleaching has become more widespread, frequent and lethal in the last two decades, draining the color and life out of underwater coral gardens around the planet and leaving behind huge swaths of sea bottom spiked with ghostly reef skeletons."
Die Presse: Wo die Korallen aus dem Wasser schauen (in German)
November 8, 2019
"Die Tirolerin Verena Schöpf forschte in den USA und Australien. Sie zeigt, dass auch extremste Korallen im Klimawandel leiden."
The article discusses my research on stress-resistant corals as well as my experience studying and researching in the U.S. and Australia.
The Guardian: Saltwater Kimberley - is WA's marine wilderness safe?
July 3, 2019
"Formed millions of years ago, the waters off Western Australia’s rugged 12,000km northern-most coastline have remained a scientific mystery. But for the past five years, researchers guided by Indigenous Australians have tackled rutted dirt tracks to study an oceanic highway lying off the Kimberley’s shores."
The New York Times: Australia’s other great (and threatened) coral reefs
October 8, 2018
"The United Nations issued a dire alert on Monday, warning that many of the world’s coral reefs could die as soon as 2040 as a result of climate change. ... But the Great Barrier Reef, despite its status, is not the only unique or threatened marine ecosystem in Australia."
9News TV: Australian scientists unlocking key to save world’s reefs
May 20, 2018
I was featured on 9News about my Kimberley coral research, where I am investigating whether heat-resistant "super-corals" from extreme reefs in Western Australia's Kimberley region can cope with future ocean warming. I also tested whether these corals loose their heat tolerance when grown under much cooler temperatures.
Selected media coverage of the 2019 Nature Communications paper
WAToday (28 Oct 2019) Reef economics: Why losing coral to climate change could cost WA millions
Cosmos (18 Sept 2019) Heat-resistant coral could help rescue threatened reefs
Xinhuanet News (18 Sept 2019) Aussie "super corals" could be relocated to help degraded reefs: study
Nature Asia (18 Sept 2019) Ecology: Stress-resistant corals maintain heat tolerance under cooler temperatures
Selected media coverage of the 2015 Scientific Reports paper
ABC News (3 Dec 2015) WA ‘super coral’ more resistant to bleaching, but still hit by rising sea temperatures
Nature World News (3 Dec 2015) Coral bleaching: reefs adapted to warmer waters are just as threatened by climate change
UnderTheCBlog (3 Dec 2015) Even in so-called “super corals”, temperature is still kryptonite
Selected media coverage of the 2015 Proceedings B paper
ABC News (18 Nov 2015) Annual bleaching could threaten some species of coral
Science World Report (18 Nov 2015) Coral bleaching may be survived by fatter coral in the face of climate change
International Business Times (18 Nov 2015) Corals with high levels of fat can withstand bleaching events: study
Science Codex (18 Nov 2015) Fat makes coral fit to cope with climate change
Selected Radio Interviews
Media coverage on my research on heat-resistant corals and the 2016 mass bleaching event
21 October 2017
Deutsche Welle
1 June 2017
Colosoul Magazine
21 February 2017
ResearchGate News
21 July 2016
The Age
15 June 2016
Inside Climate News
8 June 2016
The New York Times
29 May 2016
The Age
20 April 2016
Portraits of my research and career path
in German
Media coverage in German/Austrian/Swiss media
Die Presse
8 November 2019
"Wo die Korallen aus dem Wasser schauen" (Where the corals stick out of the water), interview about my work and experience of being a researcher abroad.
Bild der Frau
8 November 2019
"Am anderen Ende der Welt: Die Frau, die ein Paradies retten will" (At the other end of the world: the woman who wants to save a paradise"
Der Standard
"Selbst "Superkorallen" sind Grenzen gesetzt" (Even super corals have limits)
18 September 2019
Die Zeit
"Wie geht es dem Wasser? Was wir nicht wissen" (How is the water? What we don't know). pdf
23 January 2019
Der Standard
5 October 2017
"Superkorallen trotzen der Bleiche” (Super corals and bleaching), interview about my research on stress-resistant corals in Australia’s Kimberley region. pdf
GEOlino extra
"Das ist ein trauriger Anblick” (This is a sad view), interview about the global coral bleaching event, issue 61/2016, p56-59. pdf
Quart Heft fuer Kultur Tirol
“Satzspiegel” (column “print space”), essay about my work philosophy as a marine scientist, issue 28/16, p123.
December 2016
18 October 2016
"Korallenbleiche – Mehr als nur eine Pigmentstoerung" (Coral bleaching – more than a pigmentation issue), interview about coral bleaching and what divers can do to contribute
Zuerich Zoo Journal
12 Sept 2016
"Abtauchen im Riff" (Diving on the reef), interview about coral bleaching and my research on stress-resistant coral in Australia
September 2016
"Bleich wie der Tod" (Pale as death), article in German diver magazine about the global coral bleaching event in Australia, issue 9/16, p72-77. pdf
Sueddeutsche Zeitung
"Meeresbiologin: Stress unter Wasser" (Marine biologist: stress under water), interview about the global coral bleaching event and my research on stress-resistant coral
3 June 2016
Der Standard
22 Sept 2008
"Drupella cornus raspelt Riffe kurz und klein" (Drupella cornus destroys coral reefs), online article about my master thesis’ research after I won first prize in a national competition for young scientists to write media releases